

I joined CrossOver Fitness in July of 2020.  We were in the midst of a global pandemic and I had not done any form of structured exercise since college.  For two decades as a nurse and mother, I took care of everyone but myself.  Suddenly, my time had shifted and instead of letting the pandemic get the best of me, I decided to use my new schedule to do something for myself.  I was terrified and excited all at once walking into my first class.  I didn’t even know gym movements.  What is a snatch? Deadlift or ground to overhead?  CrossOver Fitness is all about teaching its members proper technique and meeting its members where they are. Growing their own personal story.

I was instantly hooked, there was no turning back.  Not just because of the kind atmosphere and the stellar instruction of owners Katie and Andre, but because of the community.  Each member of the gym is met at their own place in fitness.  The classes are structured with new and unique formats each day.  For me, it feels like a fun game of exercise where I am competing against myself.  We are all on a personal journey.  Some members are new and some are veterans.  Some share strengths of heavy lifting while others shine in cardio.  Each day with a goal of being stronger than your younger self.  

This community created by the incredible owners Katie and Andre celebrate all milestones.  Whether it’s a new personal record with a rack squat, new personal mile time or a special birthday.  CrossOver Fitness celebrates you.  They are there as a community in times of joy and need.  They support each other not only on the gym floor, but in the outside world as well.  The compassion Katie and Andre show towards their members makes me look forward to walking through their doors each and everyday.

Two years ago I could never have run two miles.  Today I ran two miles and followed it with a 3500M row.  Two years ago I could not do a pull-up.  Today I can do 5 in a row.  Two years ago I didn’t know what a deadlift was, today I can deadlift more than my body weight. Two years ago I could hardly do a handstand, today I can do a handstand push-up. I owe all of this to the motivation Andre and Katie instill in me.  I am stronger now than I have ever been in my life and I am happier too.  Thank you Katie and Andre.  Thank you CrossOver Fitness.


Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there

And I’ll tell you how I came to crossover fitness wells Maine

In wells Maine not born but raised

Raising three kids is how spent most of my days

Ok ok for reals though, My days were spent running after 3 kids, working nights and not really putting time into me. I have always been pretty active. BUt nothing stuck. That one that is physique of the beach? Did it! 25minutes of that dude? Did it! That place that only cost 10$ per month but you only go couple days per year? Yup did it all. But it only lasted so long and I could never get into it. I had some friends that talked about CrossFit and it sounded interesting but I wasn’t a crazy gym girl soooo…

Then my husband and I talked about joining a gym that we could do together. A way of being a part of something we could talk about and have for us. we actually checked out a couple of places and toured them. The people were nice, but I felt like maybe I needed to get fit before I could actually go to them!

Oh but then…

We met Katie and Andre… and they were welcoming and gentle, and there was a place for kids to play quietly (haha) my Ben was only 2 at the time, and finding time to work out was nearly impossible. It seemed like a place worth trying!! So I’ll never forget my first time!

Jan 11 2021 was the day I fell in love not only with a gym but an entire community. I left that 530pm class not knowing if If I needed to throw up or eat something, but for sure , I knew I would be coming back!

Now I get homesick when I don’t go, I get FOMO when I see the workout reels. And I love CrossFit. This CrossFit! This place that welcomes you and embraces you no matter where you are on your workout journey. Makes you family even when you think you just wanted a gym. Encourages you to just do you, but the best version of you. Pushes you to just do better then you did the last time. I turned 40 last week and thanks to Crossover I feel better, and am more active then when I walked through their doors 2+ years ago So yeah …

Now I pull up to the gym about 8:48 And I yell to the kiddos “yo kids, mamas late” I run to my coaches

Im finally here

To run out of breath at my happy place!